Author: Amélio Lima
Photosource: UNESCO
UNESCO's action to benefit the culture of peace in Africa falls within the scope of the implementation of the “Program of intersect oral and interdisciplinary action for a culture of peace and non-violence”1 and the Draft Medium-term Strategy (2014-2021) of UNESCO, which identified “peace building by building inclusive, peaceful and resilient societies” as one of the two major areas of action for Africa. The draft Operational Strategy for Priority Africa develops this priority area in detail through Flagship Programs for the next four years, the first of which is entitled “Promoting a culture of peace and non-violence” (see page 13). It also intends to contribute to the implementation of programs on regional integration, peace, security and democracy included in the Strategic Plan of the African Union Commission2. It also aims to implement the Charter for the African cultural renaissance3 of the “Action for Peace” Campaign, launched by the African Union in 2010 and its 2063 agenda for the development of Africa4. The objective of this action for the benefit of Africa is to draw on sources of inspiration5 and potential of the Continent's cultural, natural and human resources to identify concrete action paths that allow the construction of lasting peace. Peace understood as the cornerstone of the endogenous development of Pan-Africanism.
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