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Floods and heavy rains have affected nearly 300,000 people in Sudan's states

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

According to the Sudan government's Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), humanitarian organizations on the ground, and local authorities, heavy rains and flash floods have affected approximately 279,000 people as of September. Since the beginning of the rainy season in June, 112 people have died and over 115 have been injured, according to the National Council for Civil Defense. Rain and flooding have destroyed 16,400 homes and damaged 42,200 in 16 of the 18 states. According to HAC, the most affected states are Gedaref (58,940 people), Central Darfur (41,750), White Nile (34,360), South Darfur (30,680), Kassala (25,890), Northern (18,050), River Nile (16,570), West Darfur (15,500), Aj Jazirah (8,700), West Kordofan (6,000), South Kordofan (5,770), Sennar (5,380), North Kordofan (5,310) and East Darfur (3,650), with more limited impact in Khartoum (1,300), and North Darfur (690). It goes on to say that people have lost over 2,150 head of livestock and that floods have affected over 12,100 feddans (about 5,100 hectares) of agricultural land, exacerbating the country's already concerning levels of food insecurity. Floods could affect over 460,000 people across the country in 2022, according to the Sudan Emergency Response Plan (ERP). In 2021, approximately 314,500 people were affected across Sudan, with an annual average of 388,600 people affected between 2017 and 2021.

By: Walaa Magdi

Sudan Reporter

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