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How are acts of sexual violence used as a weapon of war in armed conflicts?

Author: Tatiana Paillier

Author Country Origin: Colombia

Source: Viva la ciudadania org

Sexual violence within the context of armed conflict refers to all acts of a sexual nature that are carried out through force, threat, or coercion, directed towards women, men, children, or members of the LGBTIQ+ community, during an armed conflict, whether by a state or non-state armed group. These acts, which are frequently and deliberately carried out, may include rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, forced sterilization, forced abortion, and forced marriage, among others.

This type of violence is considered a serious violation of international humanitarian law and human rights. They can constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, or acts of genocide, depending on the circumstances. It is often used as a war tactic, with the aim of humiliating, dominating, instilling fear, dispersing and/or relocating the civilian population, and changing the demographic composition of a region.

These acts have devastating consequences for the victims, which include physical injuries, psychological traumas, social stigmatization, and sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, sexual violence can have long-term consequences for social cohesion, peace, and security in a region.

The United Nations and other international organizations have implemented measures to prevent sexual violence in armed conflicts and to hold the perpetrators accountable. However, these crimes often go unpunished and aid for the victims is insufficient.

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