Victoria Wanyana,Memuna Mohammad 13-Dec-2024
Source:Discrimination Pictures, Images and Stock Photos. iStock.
Discrimination and work places are related. The relationship between discrimination and work places is either direct , indirect or a form of sex Harassment and it should be addressed by setting strong policies that are against it. This article discusses the forms of discrimination and the solution to these forms of discrimination.
The forms of discrimination at work places can actually be grouped differently by different people but today, I will talk about three forms of Discrimination that seem very common. 1. DIRECT DISCRIMINATION. This is a type of discrimination that occurs when an employer or organization shows degree of segregation that can easily be noticed by generally everyone around or available. Forexample advertising for a job position where they specify that they only want male workers. This already shows that females are discriminated. Another example could be paying a certain race or tribe higher salary than the rest of the workers but when the amount of work being done is the same by everyone or promoting certain gender and leaving the other gender at the same position at work, this shows that the employer is more interested in one gender than the other one.
2. Indirect discrimination. Well, this is a form of Discrimination that is practiced but in a way that the "victim" or "culprit' is not being informed directly by either the boss or the Human resource manager. Often times, I involves setting policies that are against certain person's or people's interests but favouring others but with no clear reasons why them only. Forexample, in a community where people have freedom of worship, if one day a Policy is passed that " we no longer want to see any woman who had veiled their head entering our gate" this means that the Muslim women especially those interested in veiling are being segregated. Another example could be, Setting some not very necessary requirements for particular roles at work places like forexample saying this office must be cleaned by people of a certain height only and a certain weight, excluding other and yet in actual sense the office can accommodate any individual depending on their weight and size but without even giving any reason for this.
This means that other heights and weights have been discriminated, ( Bonifacio, 2024 ). Still more, could be " limiting opportunities for career development to a particular group of people like may be only whites a lone." ( Lucy Cobh ). 3. SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Sexual harassment is exhibited inform of male bosses touching female workers private parts, or women being denied job offer because of refusal to sleep with their bosses, female bosses forcing male workers sex to maintain their positions and so many others.
The forms of discrimination at work places can actually be grouped differently by different people but today, I will talk about three forms of Discrimination that seem very common. 1. DIRECT DISCRIMINATION. This is a type of discrimination that occurs when an employer or organization shows degree of segregation that can easily be noticed by generally everyone around or available. Forexample advertising for a job position where they specify that they only want male workers. This already shows that females are discriminated. Another example could be paying a certain race or tribe higher salary than the rest of the workers but when the amount of work being done is the same by everyone or promoting certain gender and leaving the other gender at the same position at work, this shows that the employer is more interested in one gender than the other one.
2. Indirect discrimination. Well, this is a form of Discrimination that is practiced but in a way that the "victim" or "culprit' is not being informed directly by either the boss or the Human resource manager. Often times, I involves setting policies that are against certain person's or people's interests but favouring others but with no clear reasons why them only. Forexample, in a community where people have freedom of worship, if one day a Policy is passed that " we no longer want to see any woman who had veiled their head entering our gate" this means that the Muslim women especially those interested in veiling are being segregated. Another example could be, Setting some not very necessary requirements for particular roles at work places like forexample saying this office must be cleaned by people of a certain height only and a certain weight, excluding other and yet in actual sense the office can accommodate any individual depending on their weight and size but without even giving any reason for this.
This means that other heights and weights have been discriminated, ( Bonifacio, 2024 ). Still more, could be " limiting opportunities for career development to a particular group of people like may be only whites a lone." ( Lucy Cobh ). 3. SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Sexual harassment is exhibited inform of male bosses touching female workers private parts, or women being denied job offer because of refusal to sleep with their bosses, female bosses forcing male workers sex to maintain their positions and so many others.
The problem with discrimination is that if it is not dealt with it can lead to so many other mental, physical and psychological problems that may need to be dealt with. Among the problems that it causes are people leaving their work places because they can no longer fit those job positions. In a report by EHRC, ( The equality and human rights commission) , 46.5% of women are believed to have left their work places due to sex Harassment. The other form of Discrimination has been shown in the way some genders are allocated work and are paid , in the U. S. , Betsch reports that " Women are over represented in low paying jobs and under represented in high paying jobs.
This doesn't leave the women settled psychologically but it leaves them with so many questions of why us? Mentally, Discrimination may make an individual to develop a low self esteem because of the way they are treated thinking that may be they will never be appreciated or even treated equally even with their qualifications. In a report by Saleh, it was found out that in the U. A. E, Qualified Civil Engineers are under paid and sleep in very bad houses simply because they come from poor African countries where you find that even their going to the U.A.E to work was supported by a company and so they end up messing their lives but with no solution.
As an Employer or hiring organization, you have to endeavor that understand your responsibilities in fighting against discrimination that is work related. This will make everyone work peacefully and happily. Regularly conduct risk assessments to rule out cases of discrimination and deal with them in a proper way. Set equal opportunities for all workers not only for certain gender or tribe to make sure everyone feels at peace. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recommends that, when advertising for jobs, Employers should "never publish a job advert that shows a preference for discouraging someone from applying because of their age, gender or religion." It is important that policy makers take action to see that they create fair and safe work places for women.
Employers should so much understand and be willing to work with the policy makers who set labour laws to see that we end discrimination at work places. If the different forms of discrimination are understood by them all, I think it is easier for them to notice where they have gaps and deal with them effectively. " Together, let's fight work related Discrimination."
Bonifacio, R. ( 2024). Indirect Discrimination Un seen inequality in your work place. https:www>glossary. Cobh, L. ( 2024). What is Indirect Discrimination at Work?. BrightHR.. https:www.brighthr com. U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Prohibited Employment practices. EHRC, (2019). DIRECT and indirect discrimination|EHR. https:|| Betsch, I.S. (2024). Ending Discrimination and Harassment at work. Centers for American Progress. Saleh. J. ( 2011). What Countries will you Never Visit Again? Uganda Women's Network. (2024). Thematic Focus Area: Galvanize Women's Leadership and Influence at different levels and Sectors.