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Racism in the American society

Racism problems have been going on in the united states since the 1990s, especially with African Americans and how they have been considered connected with slavery for the last decades. The US former president Donald Trump's decisions and regulations show us clearly the inequality that happens in the United States today. The legislations that were passed at the beginning of his presidential term reflect this clearly, starting from the travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries, and his hate speech against Mexican immigrants. Nonetheless, how the American community responded by not doing anything although it was purely racially motivated, one can conclude that they do not mind actions made on the specific group just because of their nationality, race, or religion. This does not support the bill of rights in the US constitution, the supposed equality in the country, and the media that shows the United States as the land of liberty and equality. Trump’s racial actions were only the beginning, and we could have seen more if he had the chance to go for a second presidential term, and the racist Americans only took it as a motive to put the light again on the diverse community in the country, because it was not noticeable especially with Obama serving two presidential terms.

Such actions on specific races can lead to conflict and division in society. Therefore they need to start dealing with it differently to lead to a better future for the United States and its citizens from all different races, religions, and backgrounds.

By Sajidah Sasi Masoud

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