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Stray dogs a threat to public health in Sao Tome and Principe!

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Author: Amélio Lima

Photo Source: SAPO


Anyone who walks around the capital on a day-to-day basis cannot fail to notice the number of dogs that roam the streets with their hips uncovered due to their extreme thinness, exposed wounds and who survive looking for food in rubbish bins. In addition to possible attacks on humans, dogs are a road hazard due to the number they represent. According to the Directorate of Livestock, an emergency plan had already been developed for this purpose, but due to lack of funds it was not successfully developed. Now, thanks to FAO's support, it is believed that the problem may be resolved. For this, it is necessary to build kennels, since the slaughter of younger and disease-free animals is out of the question. One of the recommendations of this meeting is to raise awareness and educate the population about the spread of zoonoses. To this end, it is necessary to promote people's awareness of the conditions of shelter, food and health of domestic animals.

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