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Most of the developing countries haven't gone back to their initial economic states since the hit of the coronavirus pandemic, which had a worldwide impact. But the hit on the developing countries have taken a toll and the countries such as Kenya is seen among the top hit economic states due to corona. Kenyans have been seen hitting the roads, in Demonstration resulting from the high cost of living which has increased drastically in the past one year. We have seen to if that most of the essential products and services have almost doubled in the price. From house hold items to the fuel prices there has been an increase of at least 20% in pricing. And the taxation has also contributed to that. Since new finance bill was passed a lot of products are only on the rise and none on the low.Approcimately 19 million Kenyans live under poverty and 9 million Kenyans leave under 2 dollars making it very had to survive especially with the rising economy and taxations.

Also on the latest analysis it's seen that only 3% of the Kenyan population earn a salary above 350dollars a month. Most of the Kenyans spearheaded by the opposition leader have hit the roads in Demonstration demanding the seating government to see it it that the price of products have been reduced. The demonstrations occurs every Wednesday of the week and it has a lot of consequences as of the latest being in today there is already shootings of the civilians leading to deaths. The riots have seen not only people Loosing their lives but also destroying properties be it private or public. And the one with the biggest effect was the strike that was held on 12th of July 2023 where we saw the angry civilians destroy an expressway to try and express their anger towards the government.

in general we find that most countries hit a rock bottom in during the coronavirus pandemic and kenya was not an exemption as we see a very high rise in prices of general goods and services.

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