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Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Author: Lisa Michelutto

Photo credit:Yuri Cortez, Internazionale. proteste-contro-rielezione-maduro


Following the July 28 presidential election, Nicolás Maduro's third victory sparked significant unrest in Venezuela, with widespread protests and accusations of electoral fraud due to the delayed official polling records. The opposition, led by María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia, has called for international intervention, while the U.S. reactivated sanctions against Venezuela's oil sector, citing election irregularities. The situation has further exacerbated Venezuela's ongoing economic crisis and social instability.


The situation in Venezuela continues to be of growing concern after the July 28 presidential election saw Nicolás Maduro's third victory. The election did not come without tensions, however, as it provoked strong discontent and political and social protests. The newly elected president, in fact, is accused of conducting electoral fraud to secure his victory, partly due to the fact that official polling records have yet to be submitted. In fact, the National Election Council (NEC) has suspended the announcement of the second bulletin. The only thing that has been made public, in fact, is the first bulletin from the night of Sunday to Monday (ANSA).

The reaction of the population after yet another re- election of dictator Maduro is one of despair, as can be seen from the thousands of videos posted by Venezuelans on social media, who hoped and waited for a completely different outcome. People have taken the streets and continue to protest, more or less peacefully, against the regime that has ruined their country, respects fewer and fewer rights, and has moved Venezuela away from democracy. Riot police have also responded to the protests with the use of tear gas.

The opposition, with leader María Corina Machado (previously declared ineligible) and leader Edmundo González Urrutia, sided with the people

denounced the irregularity of the aforementioned elections and asked the international community for help through an investigation. This request was readily accepted by various countries, such as the United States and the European Union, who affirm they are very concerned about the situation in Venezuela and the legitimacy of the elections that just took place. The United States in January even decided to reactivate sanctions against Maduro's Venezuela regarding the oil and gas sector. Indeed, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller communicated that "taking into account the failure to allow all candidates to participate in this year's presidential election, the United States will not renew the license when it expires on April 18, 2024" (Internazionale). The license in question meant that the U.S. would no longer purchase Venezuelan oil and gas.

The NEC awarded 51 percent of the vote to Maduro, but opposition leaders strongly believe this was misrepresented, and they have the voting records to prove it. The victory would in fact belong to opposition leader González Urrutia (Internazionale). Machado challenges the NEC by asking what they are afraid of, asking why the publication of the results is so delayed (Internazionale).

These protests clearly generate a climate of strong instability, aggravating a situation that has already been extremely complex for years due to the economic crisis and shortages of essential goods. In the poorest part of Caracas, in fact, there has been an 80 percent drop in GDP over the past decade and seven million V enezuelans have emigrated (Internazionale). González Urrutia says he will fight for the freedom of the Venezuelan country and its people (Internazionale).


Afp (January 30th, 2024). Gli Stati Uniti riattivano le sanzioni contro il Venezuela dopo l’esclusione di Machado. Internazionale. machado

Redazione ANSA (August 1st, 2024). Venezuela: sospeso 2/o bollettino di risultati elettorali. ANSA. elettorali_6db4588f-2491-441b-a510-5b0f0c893081.html

Afp (July 31st, 2024). L’opposizione venezuelana in piazza contro la rielezione di Nicolás Maduro. Internazionale.

Afp. (July 30th, 2024). Proteste in Venezuela contro la rielezione del presidente Nicolás Maduro. Internazionale. rielezione-maduro

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