July 10, 2023
Author: Edom Cheramlak
Author Origin: Ethiopia
Image Credit: Book cover of “Ethiopia Reflections on Media Reform”
(Image is edited for this article)
The Freedom of Media and Journalism can be defined as the unrestricted right to seek, receive, and impart information through any media without any governmental interference. The on-going struggle to uphold these fundamental rights in Ethiopia is evident and is causing a setback in the progress of democracy in the country. Ethiopia’s media landscape is marked by polarization and a somewhat diverse landscape, by which has been used as a tool for promoting partisan agendas, undermining its ideal role of facilitating open and constructive discussions among the public.
The media industry faces on-going restrictions by the government, resulting in a persistent lack of press freedom and presenting obstacles for journalists. Practicing their profession in Ethiopia comes with various challenges, encompassing legal limitations, financial constraints, socio-cultural influences, political dynamics, and administrative hurdles. All these factors combined make it arduous for journalists to uphold professionalism and preserve their independence. In order to tackle this issue effectively, it is crucial to give foremost importance to media reform initiatives, conduct extensive research, and implement measures that actively foster and uphold media freedom.
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