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User Consent and Online Data Protection, an Illusion, Click Here to Agree

Author: Jessica Ugodibe, Nigeria.

Picture Source: DLC Technology


I agree”, we all ticked the box, ticked the “I accept” without even reading the terms or privacy policies. By clicking on “I agree” we might be granting permanent permissions to online platform to use that data in the future in ways that we may not envisage. Everyday billions of users allow cloud-based internet services to collect, store, and manage their personal information. The use of this information is constrained only by long, wordy privacy agreements that users likely did not read before clicking “I Agree.” Even if they were to read them, would the user understand these policies? what choice does the user have? It is either accept everything or don’t access the service. These laws just let the companies collect whatever data they like so long as the consumer can be pressured into agreeing.

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