Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Author: Nagaba Pearl
photo credit: Getty Images
50% of people are harassed on the basis of their gender, with a higher percentage of women affected. 70% of the women who suffer from sexual harassment do not speak out because of fear of stigmatization or loss of career. Sexual harassment is often times ignored but is a silent killer in various work places, informal and formal. While one could be tempted to think that it only exists in Formal/Corporate workplaces, it is important to know that many are silently suffering the same even to street vendors level. It is said that of the complaints received in work places, 50% is on sexual harassment. The statistics are so alarming to the now 8Billion people in the world. If half of every employees are not comfortable and respected at their work places, what is the future of the work environment? Should we expect it to change soon or give up all hopes to the never ending sweet silent disease?
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